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EUTAWVILLE, SC......I swear, there are days I feel like the World is going to Hell in a handbasket at a rapid pace.   If we keep up this kind of momentum, there will be no animals left alive.    What kind of person raises children that believe a fun afternoon is one spent beating up innocent sweet dogs?   This is exactly what happened to beautiful Dahlia.   Monday, a young Lady, was coming out of a store in Eutawville, SC when she spotted kids laughing and beating on something in a ditch with sticks.  She ran to make them stop, and they scattered.   What she found was a sweet innocent dog that never once stopped wagging her tail when she approached.   The children were repeatedly beating  Dahlia until her leg was broken, and she was bruised and battered.   The young Lady picked Dahlia up and took her home to take care of her.   Dahlia became much worse and developed a fever.   She then called Animal Control to come and get her and told them the story of the kids beating her.   She begged them to not put her down, and they agreed to find someone to help Dahlia.  Everyone was full and no one hand any room for more dogs including Yours Truly.    The Story of Dahlia was just the icing on the cake for the abuse we have seen this week.   I immediately said YES and had her brought to Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Matthews, NC where she arrived last evening.   


We see so much bad in this incredible World we live in and then we hear of a Good Samaritan running off kids and doing her best to save the dog.     People like this young Lady and all of our followers and Donors are the best reason I know never to give up.   Eventually, enough people will stand up and go after the people that are doing this to our innocent animals, and they will be put away for a very long time.   Animal Control is looking into who the kids were that did this and will go after them with the full force of the law if they are found.


Dahlia is a NINE month old PUPPY.   Her rear leg is fractured and is very swollen from all of the beatings this sweet pup endured.  She has small abrasions over her body, but her main problem is the damage to her leg.   The leg has become infected which is why she has the fever.   Dahlia was stabilized during the night and will have surgery later today to plate and repair the damaged leg.     After she is sedated, she will be thoroughly evaluated to make sure there are no other areas of concern from the beatings.   Being hit by a car gives us a lot of clues where to look for injuries.  Beatings are so random and vicious that an animal can have internal bleeding, and you would not know it.    The ER Specialists told us Dahlia was one of the sweetest dogs.  When she arrived, she was in a lot of pain.   She allowed them to examine her and never once growled or did anything other than giving them lots of kisses.   The sweetest dogs will endure terrible pain and suffering at the hands of humans and never fight back.   That is exactly what Dahlia did.   She never stopped wagging her tail while they beat her.   Just typing these words brings big tears to my eyes.   


If you are on this mailer list, then you know how desperate we are for funds to help these innocent animals.   Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed so they can get the Medical Care they need to get well.   It takes one spineless, heartless, evil person to abuse an animal, and it takes a Village of loving, caring people to save them after the damage has been done.    Thanks for being our Village.   We appreciate your love and support more than you realize.

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