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SAVANNAH, GA........SARGE is a beautiful, sweet two year old Pitbull that was attacked by a pack of pitbulls that were left unattended in someone’s yard.  A neighbor heard the fight when it broke out and called Animal Control.  When they got there,  Sarge had hundreds of bite wounds all over his body.  Each leg has puncture wounds and tears that go deep into the ligaments.  He also has wounds that are all around his ears and top of his head.  Animal Control picked up all of the dogs and attempted to find the owner.  The last we heard the owner has still not been found.  Sarge is a fairly submissive dog.  It appears he was the one that was attacked based on all of the wounds he has.  He has no bites on his face but does on the top of his head which shows us  his head was down in a submissive manner.  If the neighbor had not called Animal Control, he would not be alive today.  The other dogs had a few bites and were taken to the Animal Control Center in the area.  When I spoke to the officer in charge, she stated that unless someone came forward for the other dogs they were all going to be put to sleep.  We were contacted by the veterinary clinic where Sarge had been taken because he was in such bad shape.  No one had offered to help him since he needed major medical care and surgery.  He was at the vet but they were doing basic care only until it was determined if he was going to be put down.  We immediately had him transferred to our vet where the surgeons were waiting for him.  When I say covered with bites, that is an understatement.  His legs are totally torn up.  He had been this way for several days and had lots of infection in the wounds before we were contacted.  The bites had to be cleaned and drains had to be put in to allow the infected fluid to drain out.  This poor boy could barely walk his body hurt so bad.  He has large tears that cannot be sewn up until all of the infected area has stopped draining.  It is going to be a while before sweet Sarge gets his spirit back.  Right now he is very scared and hurts.  He loves affection but it will take a while and some training before he starts to trust again.  Based on the scars on his body, this was not the first time he was attacked.  He will be with us for quite some time healing and being re-socialized with other dogs.


Sweet Sarge is doing great and slowly getting better.  He still has a terrible tear under his armpit that will take a while to heal.  It is slowly granulating and forming new skin.


Wonderful Sarge has made lots of progress and will soon be ready for his new home after he has gone through some training.  He is sweet and loving and needs someone that is going to be there for him and keep him safe.  He loves to give kisses all day long and will curl up in your lap.  He is a sweetheart of a dog.

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