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SUSAN (Weimaraner)

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Sweet Susan is doing incredible since her procedure.  Her surgical area did not fill up with fluid which is what we had expected to happen when you remove such a large Lipoma.  She has so much extra skin in that area. I was kidding with the Surgeon they should have given her a Breast Tuck.  She explained the area would tighten as it adheres to the tissue below.


We did get the results back from Susan's Biopsy, and the growth was a Benign Lipoma.   Susan may develop other lipomas, but they will never be allowed to grow to the size of the one we removed. Fabulous does not begin to describe how sweet this special Weimaraner is. She is a typical Weimaraner in every way.  She loves to run around and play and sniffs out everything she sees. Susan is still on restricted exercise but will be able to run freely after a couple of weeks of rest.


We had lots of applicants wanting to adopt this special girl.  We chose someone close by that already was familiar with the breed and had lots of acreages for her to do her favorite activity which is running.  Susan is already in her home living the Life of Riley being spoiled rotten as I am typing this.  


If you filled out an application for Susan and were not selected, that does not mean you are not a great Applicant.  It just says we only have one Susan, but we have lots of other very special dogs that are equally as special that would love a Family they can call their own.  Please, let us know if you would consider one of those special pups. 


Thanks for helping us with this beautiful girl.  She has gone from a discarded pup that no one wanted to live the Life she always deserved. Your generous Donation and loving Heart made her Journey to Heal and find Love, possible.  Thanks for caring about Susan and all the other Abused Animals we care for.


Warm Hugs and much Love from Noah's Arks Rescue.   Have a very blessed Holiday Season filled with much Joy and Laughter.

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