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WOODY (Dachshund)

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Here comes Woody rounding the corner, ready to go outside and play.  Everyone said it couldn't be done since his ruptured disk was too old, and no one knew how long he had been this way.   He was over-weight and not worth taking a chance on. It is what I heard way too often.  When I sent around his post, very few people donated toward his surgery and recovery.  I was pretty much on my own with this dear pup.


Stubbornness goes a long way when it comes to saving the medical abuse cases we take on daily.  Dr. Garnett at CVRC was not optimistic about Woody's ability to walk or use the bathroom independently. Woody's window of opportunity had already passed, but we wanted to give him every possible chance. We don't take on abuse cases to not help them. We take in these desperate cases to make a difference.


In the middle of the night, Dr. Garnett did Woody's Surgery.  Two days later, we brought our sweet pup to Noah's Arks Rescue and began his Journey to restore his ability to walk.    It was a slow start, but with Woody's enthusiasm, he improved each day.   This Little Man greeted us each morning roaring to go.   All he cared about was getting outside and walking and walk he did.  


Within two weeks, Woody was running.  We had to hold him back, so he did not hurt himself.  I had never seen a dog so Joyful when he suddenly realized he could walk by himself without any support.   Woody was free to roam in our yard, and he could stop and pee anytime he wanted to.   I am not sure how long it had been since he could walk, but it was apparent, it had been a while.   


It is still too early for Woody to play with other dogs, but he has no issues with them and wants to be around them all the time.  He cannot be allowed to be in any scenario where another dog could jump on him until he has fully recovered, and his surgeon has given us the go-ahead.   Woody will be on restricted exercise for another month.   He gets to run around the training room and goes for walks several times a day with no issues.


I feel like Johnny Carson, when we say, "Here's Woody" rounding the corner throughout the day.  We love this special pup and his delightful personality.   Every day is a good day in Woody's World.    No one thought it could be done, but we did it.  Now, we have to pay for his surgery and rehab.  If you were waiting for a good outcome, well, it does not get any better than this.   PLEASE, Donate, so we can help more pups like Woody survive and thrive.


If you think Woody would be right for your Family, fill out our Adoption Application online.  Please do not wait, or someone would have already adopted him.  

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