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HILTON, HEAD, SC.....Sweet NeNe is a 9-year-old Pomeranian that was attacked by a larger dog in her home.  The Owner could not afford the medical bills, so she was signed over to the vet that called us because her injuries were so extensive.  As you can see from the pictures, it was a brutal attack.  Her tiny little rear legs had large amounts of the skin torn away along with all of the toes broken on one foot.   Her hip was dislocated and had a massive tear on the same size.   By the time, Nene was taken to the vet she had a terrible infection in her foot.  We stepped up to make sure this tiny little pup got the necessary surgery so she would not end up losing one of her front legs.  In spite of the horrible injuries and the pain this little Angel has endured, she has been nothing but sweet and loving through the entire process.


Nene was rescued during the Christmas Holidays when so many animals were being euthanized because of lack of space and Holiday days off.    As full as we were, we knew we were her only chance at saving her leg.   Nene has endured several major surgeries to create a foot similar to a deer that she could use.   Her toes had to be amputated first and then the surgeon created a pad for her to walk on.    Her normal pad was pulled around to the front of the foot where the toes once were and wrapped around the stub she now has.   We have pampered and changed dressings non-stop to get rid of the infection she had on the foot.   Every day was up and down regarding the foot.  Her other injuries were healing, but the half foot was a problem.  After four weeks of non-stop oozing and bandage changes, I can finally say the surgery WORKED.  For the first time, our little bundle of joy can walk around without her bandages.   I can't tell you how happy that makes everyone that has been involved with this process.  The risk of her losing her leg were very  high, and we beat them. 


Nene's bills are quite extensive because of all her surgeries and intensive medical care.    Please, DONATE toward her large medical bills so we can take in more abuse cases that will not survive without us.   We took in six new cases over the Holidays and the bills keep coming in daily because they are all still in the hospital being treated.  


We have posted a lot of pics of Nene along her Journey to survive this horrible ordeal.   Some are graphic but very informative of the extent of her injuries and the horror she had to have experienced during her attack.   The best news of all is that she survived and ended up in our care.  Nene is going to make the best Family dog.  She may be nine years old but acts like she is two and a bundle of pure joy.   We love this amazing little dog and are so happy she can now continue her Life with all four legs so she can run and play.

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