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Sweet Scarlett finally had her surgery to embed her Antibiotic Beads.  She was doing great up until she had the surgery and then she took several steps back.   The Specialists are not sure what caused the setback since she was doing so well.  The good news is that she is getting back to her normal sweet, happy self but Friday, I was having all sorts of reservations.   I am a firm believer that Quality of Life has to be there.   Scarlett had been improving each week and was happy.  The Surgery that she had to have seemed to have taken a lot more out of her than we expected.   We didn't do the surgery on Tuesday as expected because I wanted to give her one more day.    After the surgery, her glucose levels bottomed out, and we had to supplement her, and she just felt really down.   Over the last two days, she has regained her strength, and all of her blood levels have normalized.  We are giving her almost double her normal amount of calories to help her gain weight.  A body that is working to heal as much as Scarlett's is has a tendency to need a lot more calories than a normal dog.


Scarlett is still in ICU because of her MRSA infections.   The biopsies are showing that we are making progress, and some of her heavy Antibiotics have been discontinued.  She is still on quite a lot because her skin biopsies are coming back positive.   Her fur is beginning to grow in, and we were able to close the large Decubitus Ulcer on her leg when we implanted the Beads.    Scarlett is surrounded by people that love and adore her.   I am glad that I decided not to say Good-Bye to her when she was doing so poorly because she has certainly rallied and is showing us all that she wants to be here.  


Scarlett has been in ICU for three weeks.   My goal, if she is still improving is to move her to another place where she can get outside more and get out of the hospital environment.  Eventually, she will get depressed and then all of our hard work will not save her if she stays.   Hound Dogs are a very special breed, and they thrive on being outside.   Sniffing and Smelling is what they LIVE for and I want to make sure she gets that part of her Life back.  I am not quite sure how it is going to work out, but that is my goal.    If she goes backward, then I will know it will be time to say good-bye.   When all is said and done, Quality of Life comes from being allowed to do what is natural for an Animal.  


In the meantime, Scarlett will have to be in ICU for about five more days to make sure she fully recovers from her surgery.   Scarlett's bills are beyond anything you can imagine.   Any amount is greatly appreciated so we can do whatever is required to get her well.   Our dear girl shows us every day that she is up for the fight if we will not give up.    Well, I am not giving up but am open to any sign that she has given up.  If that happens, I will know in my heart it is time to say Good-Bye and help her on her Journey.

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